IronTek connects artists with equipment

Lift: Skyjack SJ6826RT with stabilizers, Artists: Sara Hoover & Kelle Schwab

A Cleveland-based heavy equipment marketing software company, Irontek Solutions, has designed a program called “Lifts For Artists” that allows visual and performing artists to receive deeply discounted rates on the heavy equipment they may need in order to bring their visions to fruition.

This program aims to promote engagement with artists in the community and inspire people to pursue artistic endeavors. So far, one of the equipment rental businesses involved, OHR Rents, has helped with the production of three murals through the use of a JLG 460SJ, a Skyjack SJ7135RT with stabilizers and a Skyjack SJ6826RT with stabilizers.

OHR Rents has another five art projects on the schedule, and is quoting 18 upcoming projects by different local artists.

Lift: Skyjack SJ7135RT with stabilizers, Artist: Michael McNamara

Don Bear, OHR Rents’ sales manager said, “The connections we’ve made through this program have been amazing…Lifts For Artists has been a win-win-win for the artists, the residents who enjoy the artwork, and our business.”

Also, the program allows those with expertise in the machinery to get involved in the production, examining the canvases and spaces and making sure that the right piece of equipment is used, ensuring safe and effective application and use.

“They know they’re getting the right equipment for the space they’re working in…we can really connect the right equipment with the project,” said Jill Lackey, Production Manager at IronTek Solutions.

“It’s really cool to see how much is happening in terms of artwork and large-scale murals in the community.”