AORS – Association of Ontario Road Supervisors

The 2025 AORS Municipal Public Works Trade Show will be held on June 4-5, 2025 at the Woodstock Fairgrounds.  It will be hosted by the Oxford County Road Supervisors Association.

AORS, together with a participating local Association, hosts the Annual Municipal Public Works Trade Show in early June each year. It is the largest of its kind in Ontario with between 200 and 300 exhibits of public works products and services, and upwards of 2,000 participants.

This 2-day Trade Show provides an opportunity for public and private sector public works professionals to share information and technical developments in the materials, services and equipment required to build and maintain municipal roads and other core infrastructure.

It also allows suppliers of municipal equipment, products and services to meet with customers from across the province in one location, and develop new business relationships and explore new territories as it moves around the Province.