From its headquarters in Windhagen, Germany, Wirtgen offers a wide range of specialized machines for tasks in road maintenance, rehabilitation, pavement preservation and infrastructure construction. Wirtgen cold milling machinesĀ are used in road rehabilitation projects to remove an aged, damaged pavement to a specified depth.
Its cold recycler/reclaimers improve the bearing capacity of soils or pavement structures and recycle or stabilize them by homogeneously mixing in binding agents in an in-situ process. Wirtgen concrete slipformĀ pavers place rigid portland cement concrete pavements for roadway, highways and airport runways or taxiways, and poured-in-place concrete profiles, such as jersey barriers, median strips or curb-and-gutter. And its surface miners are used for the selective mining of raw materials and minerals, from soft coal to gypsum to hard limestone to iron ore, in open-cast operations, cutting, crushing and loading material in a single working pass without drilling and blasting.