These 3 compact equipment trends will continue in 2025

As the popularity of compact equipment continues to grow, several trends became apparent for new machines introduced in 2024.

Jonathan Gardner, Product Manager for Construction Equipment at Kubota Canada, explained telematics, grade control and operator comfort were common features available from OEMs to improve upon compact machinery in 2024.

“The use of compact equipment continues to grow due to their ease of use, transporting and the fact these machines can often get into places larger equipment can’t,” Gardner said.  “Companies continue to see the benefit of compact equipment in their landscape, construction or snow removal business to name a few industries.”


Telematics covers a suite of technologies that help companies improve safety and efficiency by generating several data points, including machine location, usage as well as maintenance and repair requirements.

While telematics is not a new concept for compact equipment, demand is continuing to increase.

Gardner explained several factors are increasing contractors’ need for telematics.

“Theft has become more and more of an issue, customers want the ability to prevent their equipment from being started, receive alerts when it leaves an area and know where it is at all times,” Gardner said. “Another are that has become important is to prove to their customer that they were on site working, telematics will provide history information with location.

Grade control

Like telematics, grade control is not a brand-new feature for construction equipment.

However, as skilled labour becomes more difficult to find, grade control is growing in popularity.

“As long as an operator understands how to set up the system, they don’t need to worry about moving the blade up and down or tilt left and right to get to the depth or slope they want. The system does it for them, and the operator only has to drive,” Gardner said.

Comfort & safety

In 2024, equipment manufacturers continued their focus on improving operator comfort and safety.

“Many OEMs are putting huge emphasis on operator comfort by introducing pressurized sealed cabs to reduce noise levels for a quieter and safer work environment,” Gardner said. “Also, adding rearview cameras as an added feature to standard equipment, which can help the operator be aware of their surroundings at all times.”

Gardner said all three of these trends will continue to grow throughout 2025, as manufacturers aims to make the job of operator easier. 

“We will see the same trends we saw in 2024, but with more emphasis on advancements,” he explained. “You will see more OEMs expanding their grade control offering, enhancing their telematics, and promoting the use of attachments, and increasing their attention to safety within these advancements.”